Wednesday 13 January 2016

A Letter to the MotherLand

Mama Land,

I fell in love with the city lights-
its true...
but I will never forget-
that they are just an imitation...
of the stars that hang
from our natural AfriKan skies...

Mama Land it is true…

That I eat different foods-
But I will never choose Chips over Chapati-
when given the choice-

Oh Mama Land Listen-
everything You heard is true-
I wear different clothes too-
Short dresses and tight jeans…

But I FEEL at my best
When dressed 
in a Mushanana-

Oh Mama Land…

No, They did not lie-
It’s all true-
I can dab, two step and twerk-
coz I’m able-
But I dance at best 
when its Amaraba

Oh Mama!
Eye me not with sadness-
or Jealousy-
I travel different lands-
But you still mean the WORLD to me-

I speak in different tongues-
but yours is the one-
that makes the most sense to me-

Mama please…

Yes, parts of my heart have been
buried on other soils that
are not yours-
but YOU are my heart-

Oh MamaLand…
Can’t you see?
My tears come from your Waterfalls,
My laugh comes from your Sun,
My hair comes from your Forests,
My skin comes from your Soil,
Mama, Can't you see?
That we can make fun of distance….
We can make a joke out of the time that passes
between us-

Because no matter where I am…
we will always be a part of each other…
Because you are Bae-MamaLand-
Bae ;)

By: Angel Uwamahoro.
To: The MotherLand

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Umuco Wacu By Focus Ruremire ft Uwamahoro (Uwamahoro's Lyrics)

Hallow hearted females-
Tell the tales-
Of shallow minded men,
How they came-
In the name of friends,
But end up-
Using them,
Abusing them,
It's hard to start,
accusing them-
When these men, give jobs to them-

Can i vent?
Can i lament?
This is torment-
Young girls come to you-
For work, growth and respect-
In return,
For well earned,
No strings attached-
But all you think about is sex?
Undermining their intellect-
Sending them inappropriate texts-
Making them, settle for less-
Putting up, with all your stress-
Afraid she, might loose her desk-
She's in the corner
Scared, and she cant protest-
She came to work on her profession, how'd it turn into a sexual mess ×2
Your Taking advantage,
Of the situation-
Putting her-
In an awkward position,
Just coz shes young
And at your disposition-

Shallow minded men,
Turning young girls into-
Hallow hearted females-
Growing up to tell unfortunate tales,
Just coz we work for you-
Doesn't make us for sale ×3

By: Angel Uwamahoro

Also Listen:


All over the world,

Real men, and women,

Full grown-

Wake up real early in the morning,

Take real showers-
have a real breakfasts-

Take their real kids, to real schools, to get them a real education...

They wear real suits, watches, and shoes and go to work in real cars-

They get real Salaries-

And making a real living-
Making real decisions as leaders of the people-

Making real decisions- that affect real people- all over the world.

You- a real citizen of a real world,

Sit and see a real T.V –
but all you do is watch the images

You sit and listen to a real radio-
but all you do is hear real stories.

You sit and comprehend a real paper-
but all you do is read between the lines and miss the real points.

On the other side of your TV- Radio- and paper-

Is Real life being destructed.

Because, there is a real gun made available.

And in that gun- is a Real bullet-

A Real trigger- on that trigger- is

A real finger, hand, wrist, arm, shoulder-

A real Person, with a real brain-

And a real heart-

A real heart,
full of real hatred.

Real hatred spoon fed to them with care –

By the people, who make these decisions, as the leaders of the people.

And by us,

who watch their images on T.V,
but don’t see their pain

Who hear the radio,
but don’t listen to their stories-

Who understand the papers,
and miss the real points between the lines.

We have made real killers!

It’s all Real.

On the other side of the gun-

A real child-

With real hopes-And real fears-
Real sweat and real tears-

It’s Real


Real screams and crying

Real women begging- and pleading for them to just stop-

Real Rapes-

Real female mutilations-


Real fire on real villages-
Real homes!


Real torture-

Real terror-

Victims of Real Ignorance-

It’s all real-


Real Famines and droughts-

Real Hunger- Real Thirst-

Real wars- Real Genocides-

Real losses-

Real widows and widowers-

Real orphans-

Real parents gone childless-

And Babies-

Real Babies-












By real people...

While we call ourselves good men-
and sit and do absolutely nothing-

How real is that???

By: Angel Uwamahoro

Fights with My Baby Pictures

Looking at my baby pictures,
While flipping through my baby album…
Stunned man,
Those eyes, those eyes, I can’t believe those are my eyes…

 They were looking straight at the camera then…
Now they are looking straight at me…
Got mini me asking me questions, about me… and who the hell I’ve become…

Like I broke a couple of deals or something….
Like I broke an agreement…
She’s asking me questions-
My baby picture is asking me questions
And I can’t look at her and answer
I can’t bring myself to look at her… and answer

What happened to my virginity?
I lost it over a bet when I was 14- should I tell her?
What did you do with God?
I lost him a while ago- should I tell her?
When did you forget how to love?
When I got lost, and caught up and broken up by love-should I tell her?

How can I tell her?
There’s things a little girl’s not supposed to hear-
But still she wants to know how I let her disappear.

Did you find daddy and hug him?
Were you smart in school?
I did so-so
Are you a star yet?
Have you traveled? Been around? Bought a house and car yet?
She wants to know how far off schedule I am behind-
What I’ve been allowing to run through her young mind
Why I’m meaner and less kind
My baby picture is demanding me to tell her…
Why I chose dreads over permed hair-
And when that changed?
Why I prefer flat shoes over heals
And why I’m not tamed
What kind of food I have for my meals?
And aren’t I ashamed?
Of whom I’ve become???

Are you seeing any one?
I see this one guy on a low.
That’s a shame- Angel- I thought you’d be the type to show.
Look I know-
But before I could say anymore…
She looked at me and said to…
Strip me of my name-
We are nothing like the same-
You’re nothing like I’d hope I’d turn out to be-
How could an older me have so much failure and hypocrisy-
How could you forget me? 
And what I stood for- And my dreams to be?
Where’s my innocence?
What happened to me?
What have you done to me?

Then she cried to me…and said she wasn’t proud of me-
I wanted to slip into the paper of picture and wipe her eyes-
But the paper was to thin, I couldn’t get within-
So then I wanted to go back through time
but she interrupted my thoughts- and asked
When did you let me die?
I admitted it was sometime in 2009-
Baby Angel things were hard-they were tough
And when there was no light in my mind, with neither you nor my reflection or shadow in sight-
I made my own decisions most were wrong and some were right-
But you weren’t there so don’t judge
Blame it on the economy-
On reality
On womanhood-
On not having supportive daddies
On immorality-
On alcohol
And temptations
Blame it on Satan
And on the fact that it’s normal to be in a relationship and mating
Blame it on mental illness and on days when I was will less…

And I know I gradually let you die
But I buried you in the pieces of my heart
So we would never be apart
Till death itself do us part-
Rest in Peace---

Fights with my baby picture.

Written By: Angel Uwamahoro

Performed By: Mike Kayihura aka Big Mike, Angel Mutoni, and Angel Uwamahoro at Spoken Word Rwanda
Watch Performance!!!!

Why We Walk ( Dedicated to Walk to Remember)

We walk
Because we

We walk
 Because actions
Speak louder than words
We walk
To -Move –This- World…

You ask why we walk?

We walk
For change
In sun Shine or rain-
In fall or snow
We walk
To let the world know…
That we are not a youth
That is indifferent
We are a youth of another brand
We will make a difference
 We are different …

So we walk!!!
And we do it non stop-
We are
An unstoppable force of hope

We move forward-
One step at a time-
Right foot left foot-
Over the hills, on campuses or city streets
Down the valleys and in between  trees…
In different countries…
US, UK, Norway- Walk
Canada, India, China -Walk
France, Belgium, Netherlands-Walk
Nigeria, Malaysia, Uganda- Walk
 Tanzania-Walk, Kenya Walk, Burundi Walk,
Rwanda Walk

You will see us-
And cars will stop and let us
And people will stop and let us
Or better yet join the
And we shall all

But we don’t just walk…

We walk to remember…
And we remember…from December to December
We remember, April, May, June
And off course
July- fourth…
We remember
All the stolen lives and
All a million souls
We remember
And so we walk to remember…
That this will never happen again…
Not on my watch, not yours (pointing to audience)
We walk till sweat breaks through our pores,
We walk for a cause,

(flash back)

In 1994,
They stole our hopes and dreams
Broke our families,
Homes, towns and city
Our country was one, the world showed no pity
We were a wreck
A nation of broken hearts
Where were we even supposed to start?
So we sat still-
Unsure of what to do or feel…
Unsure of how to deal…
All some of us could so was kneel …
Stare out in hopelessness
Stare out in hopelessness-
We were a mess-
A nation distressed- Depressed-
But in this dark night
There was a sparkly light of hope
Giving away to cope
So we blew on it till
We could blow no more,
And this spark of hope became a flame
A flame of hope that was ours to claim

(Phase back to reality)

And now we walk-
Walk to remember
Walk to set an example-
Walk to tell a story- of a different kind of youth-
Walk for the transformation of a nation-
Walk for peace-
We shall walk- With our heads head high-
Moving forward-
Walk till we rock this world
We will walk—
Because we are the rock of Rwanda
The firm foundation that our cities will be built over-
We will walk
To mock the past
They wanted us to forget
But we remember
This will be a walk
For all to remember
As we Walk to Remember
And this
This is why we walk

By: Angel Uwamahoro.

Silent Man

Silent Man,
Who I have loved-
for a decade of my life-

Given you my youth...
Allowed you to kiss the truth,
from my lips-
And slip your teasing lies-
Between my thighs-

Silent Man,
Who won't say that he loves me,
Only but on occasion-
And opens my legs,
with no need of persuasion-

Silent man,
Who keeps me behind closed doors,
and under the sheets,
Because God Forbid, the world sees-!
My love for you-
and your love for me-
Our love for each other,
If ever,
there was a thing like that-?!?

Silent man,
Who speaks to me no longer-
unless spoken to...
Who seems far away from
this broken tool,
that pumps blood through me!

Silent man,
Invite me to your wedding,
Where I will be shedding-
tears of 'Joy'-

Coz nothing ever happened-
Because I Never loved you-
and you Never-
loved me...
and We?
Never loved each other....

But I just dedicated a decade
of my life to you....

Silent man-

Go! with your silence-
Leave me deaf in this room-
Let me dig 'us' a grave-
and mark it with no name-
So that those who visit
will never know-
whose love lain,
in the soil!

Silent Man,
Be happy with this
dead- secret love kept...
walk away, with the ashes of my
heart in your hand-
then brush it against her face-
and tell her everyday...
that you love her, in every way....

By: Angel Uwamahoro

Strength In the Struggle

Black: Names
Red: Angel
Blue: Ines
Green: Both

Angel: Kera 
Ines: Kera cyane 
Habayeho wowe
Habaho njewe
Habaho twebge

Batubgira bati
Ines: Wowe GAHUTU 
Angel: Wowe Gatutsi 
Ines: Nawe Gatwa
Nuko, (clap) biratangira

Ines : Turangana 
Angel : Tutangira gusenyana
Ines : Tusenya imitima 
Angel : Tusenya Ingo
Ines : Tusenya Imiryango 
Angel : Tusenya Ubushuti
Tusenya Igihugu
Angel: Bamwe muri twe turicana 
Ines: Bamwe muri twe turapfa 
Angel: Abandi barahunga 
Twese, tusigarana agahinda

With broken hearts
No homes, no families, or friends
With exiled women and men
In countries that didn’t belong to them
It almost felt like an end
We started to pretend
That we were people who we weren’t

Angel: We held passports of Ugandans, 
Ines: We held passports of Kenyans 
We spoke NOT our mother tongue,
Ines: And spoke Lingala, 
Angel: Kirundi, 
Ines: Swahili 
Angel: and Luganda 
Ines: We knew how to cook their foods, 
Angel: We knew how to dance their dances 
We knew their cultures and traditions
We did it so well,
You couldn’t tell
The difference, if you tried
But the tears of the past that we cried
Just couldn’t be denied.
Ines: And the people outside didn’t help us
Angel: You see, 
There were NO political, or Economic, “interests” in Rwanda
So no wonder,
They left us alone
We had to figure it out, on our own.
Angel: While they played pretend during the day
Ines: They lay awake during the night
Angel: Constantly thinking of a vision
Ines: They finally made a decision
Angel: It was time to make things right

Ironic how some times we have to fight…
For peace.

Angel: Hey but we were tired of TEARS
Ines: Sick of “sorry”
Angel: Weak from worry
Ines: And they made a choice,
Angel: To give back their people a voice
Ines: They strategized and analyzed on how to transform
Angel: Put on their boots and uniform
Ines: Marched towards their borders with persistence
Angel: And ready for the risk resistance.
Listen my people were tired of pretense
Ines: They knew the journey ahead was intense
Angel: but they disregarded their dreams
Ines: Joined forces and made teams
Angel: It was time to silence their people’s screams
They had NO heroes to call on,
Angel: Because batman was too busy
Ines: Superman was scared -
And NO ONE else cared
So we had to become, our OWN heroes.
Angel: And somehow make millions out of zeroes
Ines: Something out of nothings
Angel: Cities out of ash
Ines: Dust into grass.

But listen, we didn’t just pass, our task
We excelled and expelled
Ines: Division,
Angel: Segregation, 
Ines: Discrimination, 
Angel: And corruption
We built a nation
Ines: Far beyond our imaginations
Angel: Far beyond the world’s expectations.
Ines: It. Was. Sleepless. Nights. Of. Planning. And. Meetings
Angel: It was time, 
Ines: blood, 
Angel: sweat, 
Ines: work,
Angel: And tears
And it came at an expensive price.

Angel: You found strength in struggle
Ines: Bravery in your bones
Angel: Courage in your thoughts
You have hearts of KINGS
And for those who deny it
Tout le monde sait 
Que les faits 
Sont tĂȘtus 

Angel: You make us so proud to be Rwandese
Ines: We even carry our flags over seas
Angel: We might speak with accents
But don’t be mistaken please
Angel: Rwanda is the red to our lips,
Ines: The brown to our skin,
Angel: The white to our eyes,
Ines: The black to our hair.
RWANDA, is not just a place, it is who we are.

Angel: We are so proud to be Rwandese
That our bodies ache/itch for us to tattoo it, somewhere on our skin
In case you can’t feel it from within
We, are Rwandese
Because of you
We-are-one people
Angel: One nation 
Ines: One language
Angel: One culture
Who now carry, a Rwandan passport
With ONE identity
Yes we are proud, to be Rwandese
That we would fight on the forefronts like Ndabaga, and Fred Rwigema-
Yes, we would go that far
For the Ishema, 
Of Rwanda.
Angel: But we wouldn’t have been here without you
Ines: So for one more time
We, salute – you
Happy liberation day!!!!

Written by : Angel Uwamahoro and Ines Giramata